There are people who have vowed never to have anything to do with electronic payment again, no matter the preaching about the benefits. They are bank customers who have fallen victim to electronic payment fraud or e-fraud, and lost huge sums of money in the process. Their bitterness is aggravated by the callous manner some banks usually respond to their plight. “Oh you must have compromised your PIN (personal identification number) by giving it to somebody or by allowing somebody to access it”, these banks tell such people. It is not peculiar to Nigeria, e-fraud popularly known as ATM fraud is a global phenomenon. The amount lost to this fraud by customers and electronic payment services run into billions of dollars. The first step to successful perpetration of this kind of fraud is to have access to the information of the customer, including the PIN, account number etc. The information is then used to produce a duplicate ATM card of the customer which is then used to access and...
The number "419" refers to the section of the Nigerian Criminal Code dealing with fraud,the charges and penalties for offenders.